Lawn moss problems can be solved with MO BACTER

DJ Turfcare has the solutions to all your lawn moss worries . . . and can give you sharper edges for a superb finish to freshly-mown grass.

DJ Turfcare has the solutions to all your lawn moss worries . . . and can give you sharper edges for a superb finish to freshly-mown grass. SPRING is arriving in the garden and lawns will be exhausted after the wettest winter for 200 years. Grass has taken a battering and moss may be a problem but now is the time to start planning action for a healthy sward this summer.

DJ Turfcare, of Dunsfold, Surrey, one of the leading suppliers of turf machinery and products to both amateur gardeners and professional groundcare specialists, has put together an easy-to-follow guide for all lawn enthusiasts.

David Jenkins, managing director, says:

“Even a tired lawn on poorly-drained ground and suffering from moss can be helped back to life with a few simple moves.

“You don’t have to use chemicals for a superb lawn and we work with Viano, manufacturers and suppliers in Belgium who only supply organic products. MO BACTER is our best selling organic lawn fertiliser and moss eliminator (

“If you want to be kind to your garden and the environment it only takes a careful plan of action for brilliant results.

“Now is the perfect time to get moving because the soil will soon start to dry out and will warm up during this month and next.”

Here is David’s seven-point guide to great lawns:

Give your lawn a thorough inspection during spring. Make a note of problems like moss, poor drainage and poor grass cover. Clear any winter debris.

For early season mowing set the blades high. Mowing encourages root development as the days warm up so mowing is crucial. It also keeps lawn weeds from developing. Make sure the clippings are removed to the compost heap, and mixed with other garden waste for best composting results.

If moss is a problem, particularly on poorly drained ground, it can be eliminated without the need for raking or scarifying with MO BACTER, an organic fertiliser that destroys moss by secondary action and then uses bacteria to digest the debris. In two to three weeks the moss goes brown and then disappears – with no black mess.

Lawn feed: The nutrients in MO BACTER (npk 5-5-20) feed the grass for up to three months. Use MO BACTER from early spring through to the end of autumn for best results. A second application can be applied three months after the first (up until the end of autumn) for severe moss problems.

After applying MO BACTER avoid mowing for about a week and then cut at normal height.
If drainage is a problem aeration is needed. Either use a mechanical aerator (which pushes tines into the soil) if the lawn is large or use a hand-held fork if the area is small. Push the fork into the ground at two-to-three inch intervals and wiggle slightly.

After the moss has gone you can improve the soil with a general topdressing of good quality topsoil and sand, adding some seed that is compatible with the grass varieties on your lawn. Keep well watered until the new seed is established.

Neater edges finish off the perfect lawn and can be achieved without back-breaking effort. DJ Turfcare are sole UK distributors of Atom Lawn Edgers, fully mechanised easy-to-use edgers with petrol-driven engines and solid blades. No awkward plastic cutting cables to replace.